Penn State University

Teaching and Learning Scholarship (TLS) Grants

The Teaching and Learning Scholarship (TLS) conference grant program provides Penn State instructors the opportunity to share their scholarship related to teaching and learning in Penn State courses. Support for TLS grants includes consultations and support services from Institute faculty in addition to funding for conference presentations.

Projects that also address inequities or advance inclusion in teaching and learning will receive priority.

To ensure that many Penn State instructors have an opportunity to receive one of our grants, priority will be given to instructors that have not previously received a grant through one of our programs.

Timeline and Submission Process

If any of the dates below fall on a weekend, the deadline shifts to the next workday.

Step 1: Submit Application Form

Action: Complete this form describing your presentation to begin the application process.

Due by: August 16, 2024

Step 2: Await Review

Response: On or before August 31 funding decisions will be sent to submitters.

Funding Conditions

  • All funds must be expended in the same fiscal year in which the grant is awarded.
  • Requested funds must be directly related to and support the proposed teaching and learning scholarship project. If you do not see your preferred item below, ask Laura Cruz if we can fund it.

Fundable Items

  • Conference registration fee
  • Conference lodging
  • Airfare
  • Mileage

Proposal Review Criteria

This is a competitive process and decisions are based on the following factors:

  • Alignment with the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Mission
  • Impact on equity and inclusion in teaching and learning
  • Specific and necessary budget items (only request what you need)
  • Evidence that you have applied to present at the conference; acceptance at the time submission is not necessary.
  • Preference will be given to those presenting at conferences focused on teaching and learning in higher education.

Additional factors will affect how many proposals are accepted:

  • Available funds
  • Total number of proposals and amount requested

Quote from Lee Shulman, “An act of intelligence or of artistic 
			 creation becomes scholarship when it possesses at least three attributes: it becomes public; becomes 
			 an object of critical review & evaluation by members of one’s community; members of one’s community 
			 begin to use,build upon, and develop those acts of mind and creation. Quoted from article, Taking 
			 Learning Seriously, in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning.

Penn State University